RULES/CAMPERS: Why Some RV Storage Facilities & Campgrounds Are Banning RVs Over 10 Years Old

Old white camper bus. Vintage van. Tourism nostalgy concept with old vehicle.

BY Lynne Fedorick—Most RVers are aware of bans on older RVs at RV parks. However, some RV storage facilities are joining many RV parks in banning rigs that are more than 10 years old. In a thread on Forest River Forums, RV owners expressed shock at this increasing trend. Why would an RV storage facility have a 10-year rule?

It’s easy to understand why more high-end RV resorts choose to ban older RVs. Some older RVs that haven’t been well-maintained can become real eyesores. Because of this, having a lot of older RVs in an RV park can negatively affect the ambiance of a park. It’s safe to say no RV park wants to become known as a destination for derelict older RVs. Aside from that, high-end RV resorts want to attract a demographic that’s ready and willing to spend money on a luxury vacation. Allowing older RVs could detract from this target clientele’s perception of the RV park as a place of luxury and prestige.

Sometimes the reasons for bans on rigs over 10 years old in RV parks can be understandable. However, similar bans at RV storage businesses can be perplexing. In this article, we’ll unpack the reasons for the 10-year rule at RV storage facilities.

Why is there a 10-year rule?

To fully understand what’s going on, let’s have a look at the storage industry, and more specifically, the RV storage industry. The storage industry has been doing remarkably well in the last two years, with vacancy levels at an all-time low. More people have more stuff to store than ever before.

RVs are sometimes stored for years on end. While many RVs in storage facilities are well-loved, maintained, and used seasonally, others are never used. After a while, the owners often stop doing repairs and maintenance on these RVs, and they are left to rot. Sometimes these older RVs are abandoned. When this happens, the storage facility is left to sort out what to do with them. Not only that, in such cases, storage rental fees frequently remain unpaid. When this happens, the storage facility is faced with collecting storage fees from owners who may have disappeared.

Abandoned RVs at storage lots

Most people who put a new RV into storage will take care of it. They’ll make sure repairs are done and routine maintenance is performed. It’s pretty rare for newer RVs to be abandoned. In the unlikely event an RV under 10 years old is abandoned due to some unforeseen event, it won’t have depreciated much. Therefore the RV storage facility owner will still be able to recoup any unpaid rent. He’ll also be able to cover the expenses associated with getting rid of the RV.

On the other hand, RVs that are more than 10 years old are more likely to become dilapidated and then be abandoned at an RV storage facility. Not only that, but by the time they’re obviously abandoned, these RVs will often have depreciated so much that it will cost the storage facility money to get rid of them. 

With historically low vacancy levels, some RV storage facilities are taking measures to ensure that they aren’t left with unpaid rent and abandoned RVs.

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