A solar charger gathers energy from your solar panels, and stores it in your batteries. Using the latest, fastest technology, SmartSolar maximises this energy-harvest, driving it intelligently to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time.
SmartSolar maintains battery health, extending its life. The SmartSolar charge controller will even recharge a severely depleted battery. It can operate with a battery voltage as low as 0 Volts, provided the cells are not permanently sulphated or otherwise damaged.
MPPT: Ultra Fast Maximum Power Point Tracking
By constantly monitoring the voltage and current output of your solar (PV) panels, MPPT technology ensures that every drop of available power is rinsed out of your panels, and harvested for storage. The advantage of this is most noticeable when the sky is partially clouded, and light intensity is constantly changing.
Remote Monitoring and Control
Remotely control and monitor the extensive features of your SmartSolar MPPT charger with built-in Bluetooth by pairing it with your smartphone or other device via VictronConnect. If your installation is connected to the internet with a GX device, the Victron Remote Management Portal (VRM) provides access to the full power of your MPPT, anytime, anywhere; both VictronConnect and VRM are free to use. For remote installations – even when there is no internet connection nearby – you may be able to monitor your MPPT by connecting the GlobalLink 520.
VictronConnect lets you get live status information and configure any Victron products which either have Bluetooth built-in, or are connected to a VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart Dongle.
- SmartSolar MPPT 150-Volt 35 amp, Battery Voltage: 12/24/48V Auto Select (software tool needed to select 36V): A solar charger gathers energy from your solar panels, and stores it in your batteries, Using the latest, fastest technology, SmartSolar maximises this energy-harvest
- The Victron Energy SmartSolar charge controller will even recharge a severely depleted battery. It can operate with a battery voltage as low as 0 Volts, provided the cells are not permanently sulphated or otherwise damaged
- MPPT Solar charge controller: By constantly monitoring the voltage and current output of your solar (PV) panels, MPPT technology ensures that every drop of available power is rinsed out of your panels, and harvested for storage
- Anytime anywhere remotely control and monitor the extensive features of your SmartSolar MPPT solar charge controller with built-in Bluetooth by pairing it with your smartphone or other device via VictronConnect
- Incorrect installation can be hazardous, Please consult a licensed professional and follow all applicable electrical codes during installation
Manual and Datasheet
pv –
Great product with innovative featuresI bought this solar controller to replace an old PWM controller. I first bought one from Epever, but the voltage measurement was off by 0.10 – 0.15V, which might not sound like much but when it comes to battery charging it is quite significant. So returned it and went for Victron instead.It allows you to select from a number of battery types, or a user setting where you specify the individual charge settings. Voltage measurement is accurate.It does not have a display, just a few leds to indicate the charge process: bulk, absorption or float. Further detail can be found in the app, which gives detailed info, including historic values.There are two features I particularly like:1. When using solar on a motorhome like I do, there will be extended periods where the van isn’t used, so the batteries will be fully charged. Most controllers, however, will still go through the normal 3 stage charge cycle every day, pushing unneeded current in to the detriment of the battery. The Victron has an option where it checks the voltage of the battery at the beginning of the day. If it is high enough it takes it as the battery being fully charged, and reduces the time spent in the absorption part of the charge cycle.2. Most controllers, once entered into float, will stay there no matter how much charge you take out subsequently, thus not using the full capacity of the solar panels to replace the used charge. The Victron can be set to restart the charge cycle if needed (when you have used enough to drop to a certain Voltage).So, overall very happy with the product.
Waschi –
!!!! CODE: 000000 !!!! Regler Top bis auf die Beschreibung!Selbstverständlich ist der Code 000000 jedem bekannt. Darum braucht man ihn auch nicht in die Anleitung schreiben.Ein PUK zur Rücksetzung einer !! von ihnen vergebenen Pin!! steht auf dem Gehäuse. Falls sie unterwegs keine super Lupe dabei haben, Aufschreiben!!Die Beschreibung-“bei Bluetooth nutzung den Jumper ziehen” bezieht sich ausschließlich darauf , wenn das interne Bluetooth NICHT genutzt wird sondern ein externer BT-Sender angeschlossen wird.Werte für Bleibatterien sind NICHT vorgegeben. Wählen sie 14,4 und 13,4VKEINE!! Aderendhülsen verwenden. Siehe Beschreibung! Dann perfektes klemmen.
Mr. Timothy Gray –
A Well made and versatile MPPT controller with bluetooth, that works straight out of the box.With only 175w of solar panels on my “Solar Shed”, I’ve never wanted it to offset my normal house mains supply, but I did add 816Ah of flooded lead acid battery capacity and a 2.5 Kw mains inverter so that I could keep the fridge, freezer and some LED lights going for a couple of days if we ever get power cuts. On the weeks when the power is solid, I use the “Solar Shed” to do a couple of washing machine loads, and run the electric lawnmower. This has all worked fine in the summer but the old PWM controller that arrived with the panels, was struggling in the winter. So when it also developed an intermittent fault last week, I started researching a better replacement.The Victron unit is far superior in every respect. Firstly, it harvests about 15% more power at low light conditions than the PWM unit could, and secondly it is amazingly configurable, via its Bluetooth driven link with an App on your smartphone (see pics).I was particularly pleased to see that it can automatically run an equalisation charge at a voltage of your choice for a defined period after a user configurable period of days that can be over some weeks or months. It also allows you to just run one manually – ideal on a nice sunny day when the batteries are already “Floating” and you just want to get the Specific Gravities of all 18 cells to be nice and uniform.I have three top tips for you if you want to invest in this top quality controller:-A). Read the manual and pay careful attention to polarities when you connect the load, battery and PV positives and negatives. The battery is different, see..B). When you download the APP and run it for the first time, it will automatically request access to Bluetooth itself and “find” the controller – Pass-Code is “000000” (Six Zeroes)C). If you don’t want the load to be “Permanently on” (The default), then you will have to install and run the App, go to “Settings” (The wee Cog) and change it to “Permanently off”.
Meesus –
Sehr gute MPPT EigenschaftenSmartSolar MPPT 75/10Da ich in meiner Garage keinen 220V Strom zur Verfügung habe und aber in den Genuss kommen wollte mein Garagentor elektrisch zu betreiben, habe ich einen Garagentorantrieb (Chamberlain ML1000EV) gekauft der einen sehr niedrigen Standby Verbrauch hat. Laut Herstellerangaben hat dieser ca. 0,8 W. Den Antrieb habe ich dann von 24V auf 12V umgebaut (Dc-Dc Step-Up Regler) und das mit einem günstigen China PWM , Akku u. Solarpanel (80W) versehen.Dieses funktionierte in den Wintermonaten leider nicht zufriedenstellend. So dass ich nun gerade bei wenig Sonne die Batterie in den dunklen Monaten immer mal wieder „von Hand“ nachladen musste. Selbst ein zweites Panel (90W) brachte hier nicht den erwünschten Erfolg.Also musste dieser MPPT Laderegler her. Der Preis ist natürlich etwas hoch, aber bei mir hat es sich gelohnt.Die BL App für das Konfigurieren und das Ablesen konnte ich mir vorher schon auf meinem Android Smartphone (Nougat V7) dazu ansehen und alles in einem App Demo Modus (!) durchprobieren. Wirklich gut durchdacht vom Hersteller. Ohne das man die Hardware hat, kann man bereits im Vorfeld so einiges ausprobieren und eigene Batterie Profile erstellen, usw.Nachdem ich den Regler mit Strom u. Smartphone über die App gekoppelt habe (ging absolut unproblematisch) wurde erst einmal automatisch eine neue Firmware von v.1.27 -> v1.29 auf den Laderegler aufgespielt. Hierzu musste ich aber kurz danach die Batterie trennen und wieder neu verbinden.Selbst bei bewölktem Himmel in den Wintermonaten wird jetzt die Batterie geladen, was vorher definitiv mit dem China PWM nicht möglich war. Mittlerweile erholt sich meine AGM 42 AH Batterie zunehmend. Dieses kann ich nun auch sehr gut in einer 30 Tage Auswertung in der App, bzw. als CSV Export u. dann mit Excel anschauen.Hier meine kurzen Bewertungsstichpunkte:(Natürlich positiv wie auch negativ, da ich immer etwas zu kritisieren habe)Positiv:+ Sehr gute MPPT Eigenschaften+ Geringer Eigenstromverbrauch von 10mA – war mir wichtig+ Viele Einstellmöglichkeiten / Betrachtung über die BL App am Smartphone incl. 30 Tage CSV Export+ Weitere Möglichkeiten von Hardware über den „VE.Direct Port“+ 5 Jahre Garantie durch den HerstellerNegativ:- Stromanschlussklemmen könnten etwas größer sein, ich hatte etwas Mühe meine 6 mm² Kabel dort anzuschließen- BL Reichweite ist nur auf ein paar Meter begrenzt, könnte besser seinNeutral:+- Kein Display zum Ablesen am Regler selbst vorhanden, aber nachrüstbarFazit: Ich würde das Gerät jederzeit wieder kaufen und kann es nur empfehlen
Daniel N. –
Tut was er soll mit Schwächen1. Die Anschlußklemmen sind zu klein. Laut Handbuch sollten Kabel mit Querschnitt 6mm in die Anschlußklemmen passen. Das stimmt auch, aber sobald man Aderendhülsen verwendet, passt es nicht mehr.2. Wenn man die Victron App nutzt, um über Bluetooth auf den Controller zuzugreifen, dann MUSS man den eigenen Standort an Victron und wer weiss wen noch übermitteln lassen. Keine Rechte für Ortsdaten, kein Zugriff auf den Controller.Datenschutz sieht anders aus.
kwerks –
Good, but has a few issuesI really expected to like the Victron Smart Solar. I already own the 100/15 Blue Solar plus bluetooth dongle, and have good results with it. However, after struggling with the Smart Solar I was disappointed and returned it. In my view it’s a step backward from Blue Solar. If you’re thinking of buying the 75/15 Smart Solar, you may want to reconsider and get the 75/15 Blue Solar and buy the external bluetooth dongle. There is really no benefit to the Smart Solar over the Blue Solar + BT dongle. You might save $10-$20, but you end up with an inferior product in many other respects.First, the integrated bluetooth range is much less than the BT dongle. We’re talking 5 feet vs. 20 to 30. This also gets to the heart of my main gripe: Victron’s choice of Bluetooth transceiver. They’re using newer BLuetooth Low Energy technology (BLE) vs older but more widely supported BT 4.0, as used in the external dongle. In my view it wasn’t a good move. BLE, is not supported by the majority of BT enabled devices. If you want to use iOS or Android, be aware that even if they have BT, they will likely NOT work with the Smart Solar bluetooth! Obviously this isn’t a good selling point and Victron sales literature doesn’t warn customers about this ahead of time. You’ll end up downloading their app and get frustrated trying to connect to the controller, and eventually learn that your 1 year old device won’t work with it. Nearly every device in the world with BT will work with BT 4.0, but Victron went with the BT low energy and gave up compatibility with the majority of the world’s devices. Was that a smart decision? Well they saved a few cents per controller, and I suppose low energy in theory saves some power. But, the charge controller is NOT lacking for power. It’s either getting power from a PV array or a presumably large battery, not a tiny batteries where BLE might be useful. I would much rather have 20-30 foot range and use a few more micro watts of power than need to stand 5 feet from the controller. And you’ll find with Android, that BLE *requires* that you enable location/GPS for the Victron Connect app to work! No kidding. Victron says they don’t care about your location, and probably don’t. But you’ll need to accept that and enable location services to use their app with Smart Solar. With Blue Solar and the external dongle it’s not necessary. This is forced on everyone by Google/Android not Victron, but again, the choice of using BLE was Victron’s.Finally, IMO the 100/15 is better constructed than the 75/15, albeit at a higher price. The 100/15 has an external heat sink and the 75/15 does not. That could be a benefit in a hot environment like the desert. You may want to take a look at it. The next step up is 100/20 which also has an external heat sink like the 100/15. All of these have separate load terminals which is really useful because the controllers have a configurable low voltage disconnect (via the app) and can also track how much power the load is actually using. When you get over 20 amps, for example 100/30 amp controllers and up, they do not have separate ‘load’ terminals.Update: I measured the current draw of a Blue Solar 100/15 and Smart Solar 100/20. Connected to battery at 12.8v. No PV or load connected, and not connected to app via BT.Blue Solar 100/15: 24 mA. With BT dongle 25.5-26 mASmart Solar 100/20: 34 mA. With BT dongle 35-36.5 mAI don’t have numbers for the 75/15, though it’s likely not more than above. The point is, the BT 4.x dongle takes only 1 to 1.5 mA. Unless you’re using a 15 amp MPPT controller with a battery bank the size of a coin cell battery, the BT dongle is the way to go (IMO).
b roupman –
Buyer beware of Eden Products selling Victron ProductsThe charge controller is a great product, this review is to let people know who NOT to purchase it from.Item was used and not new, the box had been taped on three of the 4 sides. The solar charge controller was used with installation marks, scrapes, and dings. It was also visibly installed incorrectly because the 20amp fuse was blown. Eden Products clearly does not inspect items they sell that are returned, furthermore they are selling used items as new.