#VIDEO/TOUR: Vintage RV Owner Patricia Schenk Takes Us on a Tour of the Inside of Her 1973 GMC Motorhome

Patricia Schenk Interior Tour 1973 GMC Motorhome

BY Marco Kathuria—In part one of this ongoing series featuring GMC Motorhome owners and their rigs, Fabienne Patricia Schenk, co-owner of GREASE 1, LLC, a small engine repair and maintenance shop in East Texas, takes us on an special tour of the inside of her and her husband’s vintage 1973 “Canyon Lands” GMC Motorhome.

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#VIDEO/TOUR: Vintage RV Owner Dave Lenzi Gives Us a Tour of the Interior of His 1977 GMC Motorhome

Dave Lenzi of Innovative Parts and Engineering

BY Marco Kathuria—Dave Lenzi is an engineer, machinist, and the owner of Innovative Products & Engineering. This article features a profile of Dave and his wife, Mary, plus the latest episode in a series of videos hosted by Stefanie Kohl, GMC Tidewater Crabs member. Dave takes the viewer on a grand tour of the Lenzi’s GMC Motorhome and while doing so, showcases many of the custom upgrades he has made to their coach since the couple purchased it in the late-90s.

Continue reading #VIDEO/TOUR: Vintage RV Owner Dave Lenzi Gives Us a Tour of the Interior of His 1977 GMC Motorhome

#VIDEO/INTERVIEW: John Mest Worked on the GMC Motorhome Assembly Line in the 1970s


BY Marco Kathuria—Another episode in a series featuring interviews with GMC Motorhome owners. This time we hear from Tom Mest as explains how he was recruited to be parts of General Motors’ beta-testing of their soon-to-be-announced motorhome in 1972. Part two (to come) explores how the assembly of the motorhome came to an end in 1978.

Continue reading #VIDEO/INTERVIEW: John Mest Worked on the GMC Motorhome Assembly Line in the 1970s

#REHAB/RANCH: Guest Contributor, Jim Bounds, Oct. Video Publishing Schedule

BY Jim Bounds—I would like to thank everyone for their interest in my Electric Motorhome Dream video posted on the #MyMotorhomeLife website last month. I’ve been getting so many responses via YouTube and through the Motorhome Rehab Ranch Patreon, I’ve decided that there’s clearly an interest in this topic and so I’ll be making more videos in the future.

Continue reading #REHAB/RANCH: Guest Contributor, Jim Bounds, Oct. Video Publishing Schedule