#VINTAGE/RVRALLY: Register for the GMC Motorhomes International Rally – Oct 8th-13th

GMCMI Fall 2024 Rally banner

BY Marco Kathuria—Please join GMC Motorhome International (GMCMI) members and other vintage RV owners from across North America October 8th-13th at the organization’s fall convention at the Flying Flags Resort in Buellton, California — a breathtaking location less than 12 miles from glorious sandy beaches and the Pacific Ocean.

Continue reading #VINTAGE/RVRALLY: Register for the GMC Motorhomes International Rally – Oct 8th-13th

#RALLY/GMCMOTORHOME: Come and Celebrate GMCMI’s 40th Anniversary in Tennessee!


BY Kimberlea Weeks—It is time to get those GMCs together—and their owners, too. Even s.o.b.s  (some other brands). And other vintage RVs. We have been good, and we have been safe, and now we need to meet and eat. And along the way, we will learn things, catch up with each other, and just have FUN!

Space is limited. Registration closes September 1.

Continue reading #RALLY/GMCMOTORHOME: Come and Celebrate GMCMI’s 40th Anniversary in Tennessee!